Ding80's WoW Leveling Guide

Ding80 recommends also following Zuggy's Gold Guide - have more gold than you'll know what to do with!

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Alliance Leveling Guide Nagrand Guide Level 66-67

Level 66a
Level 66b
Level 67a
Level 67b

Alliance Nagrand Guide Part 2
Level 66

  1. Hearth to Telaar. Turn in Murkblood Invaders and get the follow-up Ortor My Old Friend...

  2. Head northwest out of Telaar and kill 12 Ravenous Windroc.

  3. Go southeast to Wazat and turn in I Must Have Them! Don't get the follow-up.

  4. Head to the ogres and kill Boulderfist Hunters until you receive the Boulderfist Plans.

  5. Return to Telaar and turn in Do My Eyes Deceive Me and get the follow-up Not On My Watch!

  6. Head back to the ogre mound and on the top of a hill is Lump. Defeat him and then talk to him and go through his dialogue.

  7. Return to Telaar and turn in Not On My Watch! and get the follow-up Mo'mor the Breaker. Turn that quest in to Mo'mor and get the follow-up The Ruins of Burning Blade.

  8. Ride east to the Burning Blade Ruins. Get the quest HELP! from Corki inside the cage near the entrance. Kill 8 Boulderfist Crusher and 8 Boulderfist Mystic and you should receive a Boulderfist Key by the end of the slaughter. Free Corki.

  9. Head north to Windyreed Village and set the four huts on fire. Enter each hut and stand in the middle, then use the Living Fire.

  10. Head north to the Nesingwary Safari and turn in the three mastery quests and get the final part of each chain:

    • Talbuk Mastery (Group) (kill Bach'lor)
    • Windroc Mastery (Group) (kill Gutripper)
    • Clefthoof Mastery (Group) (kill Banthar)
  11. Look for a partner to kill all three targets if possible. There's no need to do it now - keep looking, and when you find someone to do all three, follow this path as shown.

    When done with all three, turn all of them in to Nesingwary and get the final part of the chain: The Ultimate Bloodsport. Then, go hunt Tusker (shown in image above). There's no need to run across the zone to turn the quest in after killing Tusker, turn it in at convenience whenever visiting the Throne of the Elements.

  12. Swim northwest to the Throne of the Elements and turn in Blessing of Incineratus and get the follow-up The Spirit Polluted.

Ding80's Alliance Nagrand Leveling Guide
Level 66a

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