Ding80's WoW Leveling Guide

Ding80 recommends also following Zuggy's Gold Guide - have more gold than you'll know what to do with!

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Alliance Leveling Guide Howling Fjord Guide Level 71-72

Level 71a
Level 71b
Level 72a
Level 72b
Level 72c

Horde Howling Fjord Guide Part 2
Level 71

  1. At Sergeant Gorth, turn in Baleheim Bodycount and Baleheim Must Burn! Get the follow-up The Ambush.

  2. Ride northwest to Lydell. Turn in The Ambush and get the follow-up Adding Injury to Insult.

  3. Clear your way southwest to Bjorn Halgurdsson. Use the Vrykul Insult and then RUN straight back to Lydell. When Bjorn arrives, he will be ambushed and will quickly die.

    • Turn in Adding Injury to Insult to Lydell.

  4. Ride northwest to Camp Winterhoof.

  1. At Camp Winterhoof, Get the Flight Path. Turn in Help for Camp Winterhoof and get the quests:

    • Hasty Preparations
    • Making the Horn
    • Suppressing the Elements

    During all the following next steps, look for Spotted Hippogryph Down littered on the floor. Gather 10. There's no need to finish gathering all of them immediately, just accumulate them over the next steps - you'll easily have your 10 by the end of all the Camp Winterhoof quests.

  2. Ride northeast. Kill 8 Iceshard Elementals and Frosthorn Rams for 6 Undamaged Ram Horns.

  3. Then, return to Camp Winterhoof. Turn in Suppressing the Elements and Making the Horn. Get the follow-up Mimicking Nature's Call. Also, get all the new quests available:

    • Keeping Watch on the Interlopers
    • The Book of Runes
    • The Frozen Glade
    • March of the Giants (Group)

    (Optional: if you find someone else interested in the quest, your group can hunt down Runed Stone Giants at Giants' Run to the east. They are fairly tough and hit hard. Once done with this, you can do the follow-up group quest The Lodestone as well in the northern area of Giants' Run.)

  4. Ride northeast to the Frozen Waterfall. Right underneath it, use your Carved Horn to summon Frostgore. Kill it.

  5. Ride southeast to the Frozen Glade.

  1. At the Frozen Glade, turn in The Frozen Glade and get the follow-up Spirits of the Ice.

    • In the area, kill Ice Elementals for 15 Icy Cores.
    • Then turn in Spirits of the Ice and get the follow-ups The Fallen Sisters and Wild Vines.

  2. Head east and kill Iron Rune Stonecallers & Binders for Book of Runes Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Combine it into The Book of Runes.

  3. Ride southwest to the Vibrant Glade. Kill 8 Scarlet Ivy and use Lurielle's Pendant on 7 Chill Nymphs after you've weakened them.

  4. Ride northeast back to the Frozen Glade. Turn in The Fallen Sisters and Wild Vines and get the follow-up quests: Spawn of the Twisted Glade and Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers.

  5. Ride northwest to the Twisted Glade. Kill 10 Thornvine Creepers and kill 8 Spores & use the Enchanted Ice Core on the spore corpses.

  6. Ride northwest back to Camp Winterhoof.

  1. At Camp Winterhoof, turn in your quests:

    • Mimicking Nature's Call
    • The Book of Runes and get the follow-up Mastering the Runes

  2. Ride southeast to Giant's Run. Look under the canopies for the Iron Rune Carving Tools. They can be under any of the canopies in the area.

  3. Ride northwest to the Frozen Glade. Turn in Spawn of the Twisted Glade and Seeds of the Blacksouled Keepers. Get the follow-up quest Keeper Witherleaf.

  4. Ride northwest to the Twisted Glade. Search out Keeper Witherleaf and kill him.

  5. Ride back to Camp Winterhoof.

  1. At Camp Winterhoof, turn in Mastering the Runes and get the follow-up The Rune of Command.

  2. Ride southeast to the Frozen Glade and turn in Keeper Witherleaf.

  3. Ride east to Giants' Run. Use your Rune of Command on a non-aggressive Stone Giant to gain control of it. Also, kill Binder Murdis.

  4. Ride west to Skorn. Use your Winterhoof Emblem to summon a Winterhoof Brave. Turn in Skorn Must Fall! and get the quests from him:

    • Towers of Certain Doom
    • Gruesome, But Necessary
    • Burn Skorn, Burn!

    In Skorn and in the next steps, kill all Vrykul in the way and use The Brave's Machete on their corpse. If your brave dies, summon a new one to help.

  1. Clear your way through to the Northwest Longhouse. Use your Brave's Torch inside to burn it.

  2. Clear your way south to the Northwest Tower. Use the Brave's Flare near it.

  3. Clear your way northeast to the Northeast Longhouse. Use your Brave's Torch inside to burn it.

  4. Clear your way south to the Barracks. Use your Brave's Torch inside to burn it.

  5. Clear your way south to the East Tower. Use the Brave's Flare near it.

  6. Clear your way south to the Southeast Tower. Use the Brave's Flare near it.

  7. Head northwest to The Thane's Pyre and finish Dismembering 20 Vrykul. Keep killing them if you haven't received the Vrykul Scroll of Ascension yet, a random drop. Get the quest Stop the Ascension! from it.

    Use the Vrykul Scroll of Ascension next to the pyre and kill Halfdan the Ice-Hearted.

  8. Clear your way southwest, past the bonfire, to the Southwest Tower. Use the Sergeant's Flare near it.

    Turn in your quests to the summoned Westguard Brave:

    • Towers of Certain Doom
    • Gruesome, But Necessary
    • Burn Skorn, Burn!

    and get the follow-up The Conqueror of Skorn!

  1. Ride northeast back to Camp Winterhoof. Turn in Rune of Command, Stop the Ascension! and The Conqueror of Skorn! and get the new quests:

    • Dealing with Gjalerbron
    • Of Keys and Cage
    • Find Sage Mistwalker

  2. Ride west to the Steel Gate. Turn in Find Sage Mistwalker and get the follow-ups The Artifacts of Steel Gate and Rivenwood Captives.

    • Go down into the Excavation Pit and collect 10 Steel Gate Artifacts.

    • Then, head back up and turn in The Artifacts of Steel Gate. Get the follow-up The Cleansing.

  3. Ride west to the Apothecary Camp. Get the Flight Path. Turn in Keeping Watch on the Interlopers and get the quests:

    • And You Thought Murlocs Smelled Bad!
    • Brains! Brains! Brains!
    • What's in That Brew?

Ding80's Horde Howling Fjord Leveling Guide
Level 71a

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